Friday, 2 May 2008


spring journal page
Originally uploaded by commonplaceiris.
I've been wanting to try something like this for a long time. The biggest obstacle has been just getting something on a page and getting started.

The arrival of Spring is spurring me on to renew myself, start new things bring back habits I've lost and so on. I want to start posting to this neglected blog again, I want to be more creative and make sure my daughter's creativity is supported. I really want to feel less chaotic! I'm working on it -- here's a beginning in this new journal. Hopefully if I can keep building on these ideas the rest will follow.


Anonymous said...

Love this, are you using your photos or magazine pictures?


Commonplace iris said...

This time I used all my own photos (the pussy willow I made into a black and white picture and painted over it). I probably will use a lot of my own pictures this way, but am keeping bits of magazines and such to use too and maybe will use this as a way to keep track of things online that are inspiring me too (so I guess it's going to be a commonplace book really).

Jessica said...

Hey Rosie, if you haven't seen, you should check her out. Inspiring, and I don't even have a wee one!