Friday, 8 June 2007

some links I want to keep track of

Some BBC articles:
via ParentDish:

via Flickr:
African mosaic - A fabulous quilt made from African fabrics
Super cute photo of a sleeping baby with soft toy
fairisle stripes baby kimono - and there's a link to the pattern (free)

Some other things I've seen via Bloglines feeds!:
Don't remember where I found these:

1 comment:

Candlestring said...

Hi~ I found you via a comment you made to Domesticali. Have you managed to sew that Cabo Halter with a variation for nursing? I would love to see your idea for that since I am looking for stylish nursing tops for the summer. I've had to mostly resort to borrowing my DH's T-shirts, and that just won't do! Have you sewn nursing shirts before? Any suggestions for modifying patterns? Thanks! I'm off to read some of your older posts now...