Sunday, 19 August 2007

Links for 2007-08-13 to 18 []
  • Study:Early diet advice for kids sticks -
    "Teaching children from a young age to eat a low-fat diet can be effective — even as they reach their teens and begin eating more meals away from home, according to a new study.
    "The study of children in Finland found that those who were taught to focus on healthy fats — those found in fish, nuts, seeds and oils from plants — had slightly lower cholesterol levels compared to those who ate an unrestricted diet."
  • BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Huge payout in US stuttering case
    "In 1939, the plaintiffs - all orphans in state care - were tormented for six months by Iowa University researchers. "The study was testing the theory that children develop speech impediments because of psychological pressure."
  • BBC NEWS | Health | Depression is 'over-diagnosed'
    "Too many people are being diagnosed with depression when all they are is unhappy, a leading psychiatrist says.
    "But another psychiatrist writing in the journal contradicts his views, praising the increased diagnosis of depression."
  • BBC NEWS | Health | Early cord clamping may harm baby
    "Clamping the umbilical cord straight after birth does not benefit mother or baby and may actually be harmful, a UK expert has warned. "Instead, leaving the cord for around three minutes can boost the baby's iron stores, cutting the risk of anaemia."
  • BBC NEWS | Health | Fat 'crucial' in children's diet
    "Concerns about their child becoming overweight means some parents put them on low-fat diets, but the Nutrition Journal study said this was misguided.
    "Researchers found children burned substantially more fat than adults relative to their calorie intake.
    "Youngsters needed that fat to grow and thrive, they argued.
    "Over a third of a child's energy intake should be made up of fat, the researchers at Pennsylvania State University said, a recommendation in line with UK requirements."
  • Aubrey DoodlePants Knitting Pattern
    A good (and free) knitting pattern for longies (to go over cloth diapers). I've made this pattern several times (with some modifications of my own) but thought I'd save the link here since I'm always having to search for it when I want to make more.
  • hardrockzombie: Rescued from the Ravages of Time
    "I dug these patterns with considerable difficulty from the belly of the New York Public Library. I'm quite sure they sat untouched for years on their shelves, and would have quietly crumbled to fragments and dust with no one the wiser had I not intervened. As it was, in handling and photocopying them I'm pretty sure I fast-forwarded that destruction by 10 years."
  • Instructables Make a diamond-paged book
  • Farewell French and Saunders - Times Online
    "After 20 years, French and Saunders are still our most successful, and funniest, female duo. So why are they calling time on their partnership — and coming over all serious about matters of life and death?"
  • Pollution Causes 40 Percent Of Deaths Worldwide, Study Finds | Scientific Blogging
    "...environmental degradation, coupled with the growth in world population, are major causes behind the rapid increase in human diseases, which the World Health Organization has recently reported. Both factors contribute to the malnourishment and disease susceptibility of 3.7 billion people..."
  • BBC NEWS | Health | Baby growth chart switch closer
    "New child growth charts which reflect the slower weight gain associated with breastfeeding could be soon be adopted in England.
    "Current UK growth charts are based on predominantly formula-fed babies, which tend to grow more quickly.
    "The new charts have been drawn up by the World Health Organization.
    "They have been backed in a report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
    "It is hoped that adopting the new standards could stop breastfeeding mothers being worried about their babies apparently failing to put on weight fast enough."
  • Identification card for children - ParentDish
    "Ident-a Kid cards are like a driver's license for babies and children. One sturdy, plastic laminated card stores their eye color, height, weight, parents name and address, as well as a thumbprint and recent photograph."

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